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Cluden Park and Racing Queensland Raising Awareness ahead of Safe Work Month
Last week, as part of Safe Work Month, Cluden Park welcomed Racing Queensland representatives for the Racing Queensland Supports Racing Industry Safety Open Handicap.
Joining us were Sarah Brown, Senior Injury Management and WHS Advisor, and Bradley Miller, Compliance Coordinator.
Bold Type was the eventual winner of the race, sponsored by Racing Queensland, ridden by Masayuki Abe and trained by Stephen Massingham.
From Racing Queensland,
"The Racing Queensland Supports Racing Industry Safety Open Handicap, sponsored by Racing Queensland in support of Safe Work Month, which is held in October each year, aimed to raise community and industry awareness about the importance of workplace health and safety in the racing industry, not just for one month of the year, but every day.
"The racing industry employs thousands of Queenslanders across the state and contributes significantly to the state economy.
"Health and safety, both physical and psychological, at all levels of the industry are critical to ensuring that every employee returns home safe and well each day and that the industry is sustainable and continues to grow.
"Safe Work Month is an important time to reflect on safe and healthy practices at work in every role across the industry - trainers, stable hands, club employees, volunteers, contractors, managers, strappers, jockeys, drivers and all many other occupations - to ensure everyone returns home safe and healthy every day of the year, not just in October.
"RQ would like to thank the Cluden Park, home of the Townsville Turf Club, for supporting this very important initiative and wish everyone a safe and healthy day."
The Townsville Turf Club will look to hold an WHS and Workers’ Compensation Seminar in the coming months which will be open for all industry participants.
Pictured: Jockey, Masajuki Abe, guides Bold Type to victory for trainer, Stephen Massingham, in the Racing Queensland Supports Racing Industry Safety Open Handicap at Cluden Park's race meet on Thursday 6 October 2022.